Augur Labs Open Data

Data produced by Augur Labs researchers, available for free

Augur Labs Treasury Dislocation Index

The Augur Labs Treasury Dislocation Index is a summary measure for the yield spreads of US Treasuries relative to a state-of-the-art fitted spline curve. A higher number suggests that Treasuries are deviating more from fair value, which may indicate less liquidity in the Treasury market and/or decreased arbitrage activities. We calculate a version that includes all outstanding Treasuries with greater than one year to maturity, as well as versions that exclude seasoned bonds.

Augur Labs 10-Year Par Bond Total Return Index

Augur Labs calculates Constant Maturity Par Bond Total Return Indices for 36 economics. Sampled from this vast database, the file below provides monthly 10-year government par bond total return indices for the United States, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom.