Data on Infinity

Infinity provides economic and market data for 200 countries. What distinguishes Infinity is our large volume of proprietary indicators, as well as clean, ultra-long-term economic data. Our goal is for you to focus on analyzing data and generating insights, instead of cleaning and creating data.

Proprietary Indicators

  • Daily global growth and inflation nowcasts
  • Global economic surprise indices
  • Global potential growth and output gap gauges
  • Daily trade-weighted real effective exchange rates
  • Global financial conditions indices
  • Global fitted constant maturity yield curves
  • Sentiment indicators such as FOMC Sentiment and Beige Book Sentiment

Global Economics

  • Extended and very long-term economic data going back centuries
  • Globally comparable core economic indicators
  • Seasonally-adjusted time series for emerging countries
  • Point-in-time (“as-of”) data


  • Global single name equities market data and core fundamentals data
  • Global equity total return indices
  • Proprietary fundamentals and long-term valuation indicators

Fixed Income

  • Global constant maturity par, zero coupon, and forward curves
  • Global bond total return indices
  • Forward pricing for global central bank policy rates
  • OTC derivative data, such as swap rates and inflation swap rates
  • Hundreds of analytics for individual US Treasuries
  • Option-adjusted bond futures analytics data


  • Very long-term spot FX rates
  • Daily effective exchange rates
  • FX excess return indices
  • Systematic strategy indices such as trend, value, and carry.